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Person of Trust

Interventions as Person of Trust, support and advice concerning psycho-social risks in the workplace: conflicts, psychological harassent (or bullying), sexuel harassement, discrimination, infringement of personal integrity. 


Prevention and management of conflits in the workplace, which may include drafting internal regulations, setting up a hotline as an external Person of Trust, raising staff awareness concerning psycho-social risks (psychological and sexuel harassment, discrimination, infringement of personal integrity), training managers dealing with complaints, as well as personalized advice for improving working climate.


Amicable conflict resolution.


Conflicts between employees, conflicts between employees and employer.


Marital conflicts, co-parenting conflicts, separation, divorce.


Conflicts between partners or associates, conflicts between co-contractors.

Neighbourly relations

Conflicts between neighbors, conflicts between co-owners, conflicts between lessors and lessee​.


Employment law

Contracts, directives and internal regulations, work climate analysis, audits and internal surveys, termination of employment relationships.

Separation et divorce

​​Amicable separation agreements and divorce settlements.

Contract law

Purchase and sales, distribution, loan, agency, commercial, work and services, licence, sponsoring, cooperation, confidentiality, general terms and conditions.​ ​

Tenancy law

Contracts, administration, formal notices.

Company law

Establishment and administration of companies. ​​

Condominium ownership

Administration, rules and regulations.

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